Bill Wilby is an experienced credit union board director who is passionate about cooperative organizations and their potential to enhance the lives of members and communities.
Bill’s hometown is Alert Bay, but Bill and his wife Sandra have lived in the Grand Forks area forthe last 40 years. Together they built a photography business and raised their two daughters while enjoying a rural lifestyle. Bill now operates an online bike sale business and participates with his daughter Ann’s organic market garden farm.
Bill has served a combined twelve years as a credit union director on two credit unions, Grand Forks and Stabilization Central. For Grand Forks he served on all board committees and was the vice chair and the chair of the board. Bill has been the chair of credit union peer group three, the chair of the local Agricultural Society and volunteers for the local food co-op.
Bill views his service as a credit union director as a career and has participated in many training courses, meetings and system conferences. He is an Accredited Canadian Credit Union Director (ACCUD), a Certified Credit Union Director (CCD I & II) and holds many certificates related to governance and co-ops. Full details can be viewed here,
billwilby.caBill feels strongly that the rapidly changing financial services industry provides opportunities for credit unions and especially for the regionally diverse Gulf & Fraser Credit Union. Bill is future focused, a student of technology and would like to contribute to the success of Gulf & Fraser building the credit union of the future.