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Cashback Mortgage


Get 4% or 5% of your mortgage amount back in tax-free cash with a new mortgage or a mortgage renewal.

The cash you want with benefits you’ll love

✔ Get 4% or 5% of your mortgage back in cash
✔ No increase to the amount of your mortgage
✔ Does not draw equity from your home


Get your cashback mortgage today

Book an appointment at the branch closest to you, or to meet whenever, wherever with a Mortgage Specialist call 1-844-841-4663.


Founding North Peace Savings Members

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What you need to know

Cashback mortgages are available on both new and renewing mortgages with Interior Savings. If your mortgage is not yet up for renewal, don't worry, we can work with you on different options. 

The best part is for mortgages currently with Interior Savings that are up for renewal, there is no requalification necessary and there is no increase to the amount of your mortgage. This is a great option to unlock some needed additional funds if you do not want to do an equity draw.

How it works

If you take a cashback mortgage at the time of renewal, all aspects of your mortgage renewal stay the same (amortization/loan amount) but you get 4% or 5% of your mortgage amount back in tax-free cash, which is offset by a premium charged to the rate.


Why a cashback mortgage

For new mortgages or mortgage renewals, our cashback mortgage is perfect to

✔ pay off higher interest debts
✔ take a once-in-a-lifetime trip
✔ invest
✔ make that big purchase
✔ renovations that can increase the value of your home

Limitations and Conditions

No Blend and Extend Options: We are unable to do a blend and extend a mortgage with cashback until the term is complete.

Partial Cashback:Currently, we are only offering a 4% or 5% cashback option.

High Ratio Mortgages: Not available on high ratio mortgages at this time.

Other Terms and Conditions may apply: Talk to a Mortgage Specialist to find out more



Find Answers to Your Mortgage Questions

Our Mortgage Specialists are here for you. Call or email us to connect.

☎ 1-844-841-4663