12 or 24 month non-redeemable TFSA, RRSP, FHSA term deposit
Whatever your goals, we’ve got one great rate for your financial plan. Because everyone deserves a win to start the year.
What investment is right for you?
Why a TFSA?
A Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) is a flexible registered plan that helps you save for any financial goal tax-free. Plus, if your plans or needs change, you can withdraw at any time
Why an RRSP?
A Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) is registered plan that accelerates your retirement savings, while reducing the income tax you pay. Deadline for 2024 tax savings is March 3, 2025.
Why an FHSA?
The First Home Savings Account (FHSA) is a registered plan that helps you save up to $40,000 for your first down payment on a home tax-free.
We're here for you
Our advisors are here to help you match the right investment with your goals and needs.
It’s smart to move your investments to Interior Savings
When you transfer funds to Interior Savings, you’re making a Smart Money Move because you not only get advisors that put your needs first, but you can also get up to $1,000 bonus money.2 Talk about smart.
Beem Market Connect Term Deposit
Market Connect is a type of fixed term deposit, also known as an Index-linked Term Deposit (ILTD). It protects your initial investment while offering higher returns because it’s linked to stock market performance.
Consider borrowing to give yourself the cash to invest. This is a particularly good strategy for RRSP investing. We have specific RRSP loans to help you maximize your contributions, save for retirement and save on tax today
Talk with us
Let’s start putting together an investment plan that’s going to get you where you want to go.